Friday, January 31, 2020

The novel Frankenstein Essay Example for Free

The novel Frankenstein Essay I have lately been so deeply engaged in one occupation that I have not allowed myself sufficient rest he becomes run down, I think this has a small impact on the novel as a whole but it has a big impact on chapter five, it shows that he is very stressed about the whereabouts of the monster, but one thing we must take into consideration is the fact that Victor Frankenstein exaggerates things, we know this from him thinking he is the victim I escaped and ran down the stairs, so he might be making his illness be dramatic then it really is. In chapter five we find out about Victor Frankensteins personality. Everyone is prejudice; because everyone judges people before they know them. Its an instinctive reaction and isnt dangerous unless you stick to your first judgement and that turns into discrimination. When Victor Frankenstein says, His features are beautiful, beautiful? Great God! it shows how superficial he is, nevertheless, more importantly it demonstrates how emotionally unintelligent he is. Victor Frankenstein is a very intelligent man, academically. He is a scientist, one that has created life; you might even call him a genius. Emotionally he is a wreck. He says the secrets of heaven and hell this is his motivation, what he wants to find out. He wants to be God and he wants to play with the lives of others, is this a sane mans aspiration? Another way to prove this arrogance is when he says so deserving of my love. He truly believes Frankenstein the monster needs his love to survive, when he is incapable of loving anyone but himself. It is clear Victor Frankenstein sees himself as the victim but I escaped and ran down the stairs escaped from what? Frankenstein the monster was not trying to scare him or kill him, purely seeking the love he needs; but Victor Frankenstein is so self obsessed he wants Frankenstein the monster to come after him so he can write about how he is so hard done by and how the world is out to get him. Victor Frankenstein is selfish and self obsessed, this is clear by the repetition of the first person pronoun I and me, the language used here illustrates how solipsistic he is. The language in chapter five helps us build up an idea of the setting. Dreary night of November this is in the first sentence of chapter five, and it prepares us for a gothic/horror genre. The pathetic fallacy used is an insight to Victor Frankensteins feelings; he is dreary like the surroundings. The rain pattered candle nearly burnt out Again pathetic fallacy shows Victor Frankensteins feelings and the pattered rain could link to his mental instability; pattered isnt clear, just like his own thoughts. Candles produce light, and light symbolises the truth. The light is burning out; this could be death of a life and abuse of knowledge. Frankenstein the monster is about to be created, so this is a contrast in imagery, a burning out candle represents death, but a new life is being created. A key theme in this novel is the role of women. The function of women is redundant with the new way of making life. I embrace her dead mother in my arms All the women in the novel die, and Mary Shelly didnt put her name on the novel until thirteen years after publication; this is because of the prejudice women had in the 19th centaury. Another key theme is science, and science vs. religion. People were fascinated in bringing the dead to life, and Victor Frankenstein portrays this in saying: I shall saliate my ardent curiosity People were extremely religious and the thought of bringing the dead back, and digging up graveyards was unacceptable to the church, and it brought up moral issues like is there a god? Because if man can create something that god can, are we not all equal? I have learnt that the 19th century was filled with prejudice and also curiousness about the after life and science. Religion played an immense role in the way people lived, all of this is reflected in the novel and we see Victor Frankenstein break the rules of society and change the roles of women so they are no longer needed. Rachel Benton 11y 31/01/06 Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Mary Shelley section.

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Innovative Waste Disposal :: essays research papers fc

As humanity develops new technology, the magnitude and severity of waste increases. When computers were developed, it widely was believed that the need for paper would be eliminated. On the contrary this was widely proven false and we are now utilizing more paper than ever. Canada is not an exception as the typical Canadian generates an average of three pounds of solid waste each day1. This alone shows what a careless species we have become- using and disposing materials without even considering the damage we are causing. With half a trillion tones of waste around the world, only 25% may be reused for a second or third time and less than 5% can be renewed limitlessly1. These facts are true only in developed countries. Since these traditional waste reduction methods have been proven inefficient, we must endorse new innovative technology to arrive at a solution. Traditional methods of waste disposal have proven to be ineffective and have caused harmful effects on the environment. The most popular and inexpensive way to get rid of garbage is burial, but burying your problems does not necessarily mean getting rid of them. Landfill sites pose as severe ecological threats as these mass garbage dump yards overflow with trash and frequently contaminate our air, soil and water with hazardous wastes. About 400 million tons of hazardous wastes are generated each year1. A large-scale release of these materials can cause thousands of deaths and may poison the environment for many years. For example many industrial companies around the world cannot afford to enforce the strict pollution regulations set by many developed countries. This usually forces these types of companies to move to developing countries where pollution regulations are very lenient. These developing countries knowingly accept environmentally hazardous companies usually because they ar e in desperate need of employment. The harmful effects of these companies were clearly illustrated in the 1960s and 1970s when residents living near Minamata Bay, Japan, developed nervous disorders, tremors, and paralysis in a mysterious epidemic. The root was later found to be a local industry that had released mercury, a highly toxic element, into Minamata Bay. The disaster had claimed the lives of 400 people1. Since 1970 you can bet that a lot more than 400 people have died as a result of waste disposal. If the type of waste disposal were cheaper and effective we wouldn’t have to deal with waste problems, which still plague mankind today.

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Analyse and Discuss the Merits and Best Use

Analyse and discuss the merits and best use of management skills Throughout the essay I hope to be able to interpret the management skills that are essential in today’s working environment. I will also hope to explain my own positive and negative experiences I have come across throughout my working career. The main areas I will cover in this essay on management skills are Leadership, Teamwork, Partnership, Networking, Delegation and Negotiation. We all want to be the best manager we can be, whether it is for your business, small project or social event or to meet targets in your workplace.Unfortunately most people have experienced bad managers or at least bad management skills in your work or personal life. The benefits of being a very good manager is that you have a productive and happy workforce or team enabling you to achieve great results and for team members feel valued and feel they are making worthwhile contribution to the project and to themselves. Agha Hasan Abedi quo tes â€Å"The conventional definition of management is getting the work done through people, but real management is developing people through work† So how do you enable the people to achieve the best for your team?One way is to have excellent leadership skills, so a manager can lead a team to success, whether that would be one section of a project or being able to hit all the targets, to give the company financial benefits. An excellent leader would be a manager that could lead by example, showing their team that they can work hard, put the effort in, are not shunning the menial and difficult work and are willing to â€Å"get their hands dirty† with the team to create success. A leader also has to be the person viewing the team analytically. . e. looking in on the team so that they have the knowledge of their team’s positive and negative points, so they can utilise the person with the right skills for the right task and to train the staff to enable someone or ev eryone to achieve their goal and the teams overall accomplishment. I once worked for the Welsh Assembly in the data capture department for the farming subsidies; I had one main and three deputy managers and worked with between fifty and sixty temporary agency and assembly staff.The managers never once talked individually to their staff to see what their experience was or what their needs were to be able to give the right procedure or training to the right person. Everyone was grouped together and was told to get on with it. This meant that regularly we would have to go over work already done as there were so many mistakes and the quality of the project was put in jeopardy. The end result was that the farmers were often paid very late for land they did not own for farms that did not exist. The Welsh Assembly did pay one farmer over ? 40,000 for farm land that was situated in the North Sea!Just by talking and listening to their staff, working beside them and finding the right person f or the job, a lot of time and money and reputations could have been saved. Teamwork – no goals can be achieved or positive results gained for a project without co-workers, subordinates or friends working effectively together. For any group of people to work together effectively there must be someone who will stand as the manager of the team; so they can lead the team into working as a whole to achieve success; someone who can address any problems and help to find a solution ensuring everyone feels positive in their role in the team.As a manager of a team you need to be able to set the direction, provide guidance and support, co-ordinate the teams’ activities, ensure that each team member plays his or hers part, promote the learning and development of team members, consult the team on issues affecting its work and in conjunction with team members, monitor, and review team performance. If all this can be achieved a manager can lead their team to success time and time aga in.Striving to gain larger profits, market share or to outmanoeuvre business competitors requires capitalizing on highly effective partnerships either internally within a field or business or externally to start collaboration from an assisting field. Partnerships can also ensure the business or project has the capabilities to support it and can evolve initiatives. The strategy of connectivity to other people and entities is now crucial for innovation and overall success. â€Å"Businesses today must propagate connections that provide resources they don’t possess in house and enable them to move quickly to profit. states Mr Stephen Dent from Partnership Continuum. Smart partnerships win not only because of what they do but, even more importantly, from how they do it. They win from leveraging their connectedness and from valuing the building of relationship skills. Partnerships can produce astonishing results—but only when information flows freely, people trust each othe r, and are loyal to each other and their mutual success. Managers and people can get things done by networking.Networks are organized connections between people with shared interests when they exchange information, enlist support and create alliances getting agreement with others on a course of action and joining forces to make it happen. It is an essential way of getting things done in organizations – it ensures that the informal organization works. They exist to meet a need and can be dispersed if that need no longer exists, only to be reformed when it reappears. Networks may just consist of people with similar aims or interests who communicate with one another or get together as required.To start networking you have to identify people who may be able to help, seize any opportunity that presents itself to get to know people who may be useful, have a clear idea of why you want to network – to share knowledge, to persuade people to accept your proposal or point of view , or to form an alliance. You have also got to know what you can contribute – networking is not simply about enlisting support, it is just as much if not more concerned with developing knowledge and understanding and joining forces with like-minded people so that concerted effort can be deployed to get things done.Ask people if you can help them as well as asking people to help you. Operate informally but be prepared to call formal meetings when necessary to reach agreement and plan action. Make an effort to keep in touch with people. Networks are sometimes set up formally in organizations, for example the ‘communities of interest’ that are created to exchange and share knowledge and experience. Networks can also exist outside the business.Again, they may consist of like-minded individuals exchanging information and meeting informally, or they may be set up formally with regular meetings and newsletters. But however you make a network they are very useful, especi ally in these changing times. When I was working in the medical recruitment field for Lifeline locums I began networking when I realised that the business needed more market share of the Welsh NHS positions and to increase the amount Private/NHS general practitioners we could locum. I joined a lot f medical recruitment committees and medical business networks to try and get to the right people who could introduce me to persons who could help the company win business inside the confines of the NHS. I was also informed of a number of NHS tenders to provide locums for certain hospitals that I believe won through networking. This raised the company’s profits fourfold and ensured I had a healthy bonus for the years to come. Even 8 years on I am still in touch with many of the people I made connections with then.The art of delegation is a precise one that requires time and forethought, time to build a strategy, team member development and realism. Every manager is as good as their team around them and as a manager it is impossible to try and do everything yourself, whether it is because you are afraid of giving over some of the control or that you cannot trust other team members to do the work as well as you, sooner or later you will have to be able to delegate to someone.Delegation can feel like more work and more hassle than it's worth, however if you can delegate effectively, it is possible to hugely expand the amount of work that can be completed. When you arrange the workload so that you are working on the tasks that have the highest priority for you, and other people are working on meaningful and challenging assignments, everyone is happier. To delegate effectively, choose the right tasks to delegate, identify the right people to delegate to, and then be available if required.When I was working in America I used a template like this to be able to make a logical step before I made the decision about whom I could delegate to, this also helped study what t ypes of skills I would need. I could then try to find the best match I had within my team or what was needed to develop them to be able to complete it successfully. Although in my case this template, was normally scratched onto one of my paper food sacks from the fruit company I owned in Colorado. Delegation template| Skill/ Ability | Specific Task or Objective| Measures| Agreed(is it? | Realistic(is it? )| Timings(start/finishdates)| Actions | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Negotiating is the process of communicating back and forth, for the purpose of reaching a joint agreement about differing needs or ideas. It is a collection of behaviours that involves communication, sales, marketing, psychology, sociology, assertiveness and conflict resolution. A negotiator may be a buyer or seller, a customer or supplier, a boss or employee, a business partner.It is a process of interaction by which two or more parties who consider that they need to be jo intly involved in an outcome but who initially have different objectives, seek by the use of argument and persuasion to resolve their difference in order to achieve a mutually acceptable solution. Another important consideration is that negotiation implies acceptance by both parties that agreement between them is required before a decision can be implemented. In an ideal situation, you will find that the other person wants what you are prepared to trade, and that you are prepared to give what the other person wants.Depending on the scale of the disagreement, some preparation may be appropriate for conducting a successful negotiation. For small disagreements, excessive preparation can be counter-productive because it takes time that is better used elsewhere. It can also be seen as manipulative because, just as it strengthens your position, it can weaken the other person's. So, in conclusion to ensure that you become an effective manager and have the right skills to be able to steer y our team to success you will undoubtedly have to work hard, find out about the people who are working with you and develop a trusting relationship together.But that is not all; you will need to show you can work hard with them and for them, see what they can do with and without you. See what you could do to develop your team around you and every once in a while take a step back every now and then to see the bigger picture about you and your team. Even within these management skills you have to remember to look outside your team or company and see if there are benefits in creating a network from similar fields or departments that could help strengthen your abilities. Also look out for partnerships that could develop mutual benefits.I hope this has explained the benefits of management skills and this has helped you to understand the examples of my previous working life. But I hope above all, that you remember to always stand tall and proud and be happy in your work. If you believe in yourself, others will to. | | | References Armstrong, A (2008) How to manage people. London. Kogan page limited Buckingham, M (2007) Go Put Your Strengths to Work: 6 Powerful Steps to Achieve Outstanding Performance. London (for Agha Hasan Abedi quote) Cole, G. A. (2004) Management – theory and Practice – Sixth Edition. London, South Western CENAGE learning Chapman, A. 2006-2011) Delegation (online) Business Balls http://www. businessballs. com/delegation. htm [accessed 12th December 2012) Dent, S. M. (2006) Partnership Relationship Management- Implementing a Plan for Success (online) Partnership Continuum, www. partneringintelligence. com (accessed 2nd Jan 2012) â€Å"Myopendraft† (2009) Management Skills – Networking (online) www. myopendraft. blogspot. com/2009 (accessed 2nd Jan 2012) Shah, K & Prof. Shah, P. J Date unknown Negotiating Skills (online) Available from http://www. laynetworks. com/Negotiating-Skills. html [accessed 14th Jan 2012) | |

Monday, January 6, 2020

The Human Resource Management Department Of The Company

When it comes to developing a job analysis and job description of a company the human resource management department of the company has an impactful position to assess and develop the organization human capital needs. To have an effective job description, the human resource management of a company should conduct and effective job analysis, which is the systematic process of collecting information that identifies similarities and differences in the work (Book). A manufacturing plant that employs 5oo employs would need a Human Resource Management depart to effectively begin the process of determining the internal structure with job analysis and job description. There are many different departments, components, and functions of manufacturing plant of 5oo employees, a combination method of conventional job analysis and position analysis questionnaire, would gather the proper information to develop an effective and complete job analysis. Conventional job analysis uses company pre existing information, job holder and supervisor information to create and verify the manufacturing company job description. Position Analysis Questionnaire would serve as a great resource to gain actual knowledge of daily task and skills need to perform task for the company, this is because the questionnaire groups work information into seven basic categories: information input, mental processes, work output, relationships with other persons, job context, other job characteristics, and generalShow MoreRelatedHuman Resource Management ( Hrm )1105 Words   |  5 PagesHuman Resource Management (HRM) is the function within an association that has emphases on the employment of, administration of, and providing direction for the employees within an organization. The Human Resource Management department members deliver knowledge, training, tools, administrative services, and lawful and organization advice. 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